Volume 16 - Issue 4

Opinion Biomedical Science and Research Biomedical Science and Research CC by Creative Commons, CC-BY

Self-Regulation, and Creativity Impact on Student’s Well-Being and in Learning

*Corresponding author:María Cristina Montúfar Delgado, Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Pampite S/N y Diego de Robles, Ecuador.

Received:July 22, 2022; Published:July 28, 20222

DOI: 10.34297/AJBSR.2022.16.002285


The following article considers the impact of creativity, selfregulation in learning, it has a focus on Project based Learning as a tool also as study done in Quito-Ecuador gives positive response in regards to students’ motivation and well-being when the role of students is active and open to creativity. These results were based on Action-Investigation in spiral, where planning, implementations, observations and reflections are done in two groups. Also surveys to both teachers and students, and group observations results triangulated to verify the information. The participants were Hispanic children from various socioeconomic proceedings, starting from 6-17 years, who have been separated by level. What was obtained was positive in a high percentage of motivation closely linked with student in a participative role and a high conscience of responsibility in their learning. Also, creativity is a factor highly appreciated by students enhancing their empowerment and motivation. Even when this study had a PBL focus on English Learning, much of what is seen here relates closely to what art and sports can do to improve student’s wellbeing. It significantly opened the learning, that went beyond the book and created a synergy of it when allowing students to choose their working rhythm and interests.

Keywords: Self-regulation, Creativity, Project Based Learning, Motivation, Learning Barriers in Language Learning, well-being


Many times, specially, during a pandemic and now even more after it, creativity and self-regulation have gained terrain in student`s well-being. Forcefully, teachers had to find a connection and an intrinsic motivator or way to engage students and it is no doubt that art and sports have been fundamental in the entire globe’s pupils release valve. We must ask ourselves why, and this has definitely a link to movement at leisure, meaning it is not only a physical movement but also a mental one. Typically, when in a stressful environment a blockage is raised cognitively speaking. Therefore, using creativity and self-regulation not only has helped students to connect again to be able to be receptive to what needs to be taught but also has evened out the well-being balance. There is a before and after the pandemic, and as cliché as this may sound, having art and sports as part of major curriculums as well as in prek-12 is now a helpful and necessary subject. Within a study where PBL has been applied, the results have been quite encouraging, due to the engagement the students may have and also because their role becomes quite active not only because the students become the generators and solvers themselves, but because this means literally going to investigate, their role is quite active. Going back to movement which is key, this study speaks about a very particular study using PBL, but if we project this to why the results in motivation are far greater, then we can say that it is due to the use of creativity and action. This triggers movement in their creativity, think about where they want to get to and also how. Human beings are beings that require to move and many times by doing their learning becomes deeper, this because the barrier that once was done, goes down, when their role is active. Just like in this study, one way of maintaining students’ motivated and in well-being then is to use art and sports, since these have a direct relation to being open to learn and to feel well. Both of these activities use creativity and self-regulation, and involve the environment and their culture of the individual.

Throughout the years two sides on education have existed. The creative-emotional and the traditional-logic one. Selfregulation was found in the limited applications of classroom practice, especially in universities, or highschools. In a study from BogotaColombia, “Achievement in Math, about self-regulation in learning and cognitive style.” By [1] where 10th grade students, show that “The self-regulated learning in the area of mathematics helps students to plan, guide and monitor their thinking processes when encoutering a problematic situations, in such a way that they can persist, and solve it in an effective manner” [1]. The correlation of self-regulation and the success that students may have in mathematics studies in highschool (or even at university level) is positive. [1]. In a study “Self-regulation and the effects in an educational intervention in highschool” from Panadero measuring support, cognitive, metacognitive, and motivational strategies, where in metacognitive and support differences in favor of the lower performance groups showed a better surroundings management, apparently as opposed to the group that was doing fine but did not receive support, the primary group had “reported a better control in their school activities, as better organized, and with a better disposition to search for peer´s and/or teacher´s help. [2] As Zimmerman has mentioned personal, behavioral and environmental factors are variable and less constant. He defines self-regulation in learning as a process in which the student selfdirects, transforming the mental skills in academic dexterities through thought, feelings, and behaviors that are self-generated with the purpose of obtaining an objective. In all the cases if not the majority of times art and sports help precisely in balancing body and thought [3].


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